Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Google To Launch New Page Speed Service Soon!!!

In an effort to make the web a richer and faster place google  introduces new services from time to time.  Recently google launched the instant pages service which allows google to cache pages even before the user finsishes typing the search query and expected that it will save atleast 3-5 seconds in this process.

Now google is all set to launch a new "Page Speed service" through which google will fetch all your data, host it in its own servers and lastly tweak them to get the lowest loading time possible. Read on to find out more..

google page speed service logo
Image src - cbsnews.com

How Will Google Page Speed Service Work?

Google explained how the page speed service will work:

"Page Speed Service is an online service that automatically speeds up loading of your web pages. To use the service, you need to sign up and point your site’s DNS entry to Google. Page Speed Service fetches content from your servers, rewrites your pages by applying web performance best practices, and serves them to end users via Google’s servers across the globe. Your users will continue to access your site just as they did before, only with faster load times. Now you don’t have to worry about concatenating CSS, compressing images, caching, zipping resources or other web performance best practices."

So that means you are almost guaranteed some amount of gain in page load speed. According to google they saw improvements from 25-60% on several sites they tested.

How much speed i will gain by using this service?

The service is not available for public right now. Only some beta testers can get to try this. But if you are really curious to know how much speed you can gain right now then you can head on to this compare page


It provides a complete comparison between the loading time of the original page and the optimized page. I tested it on my blog and saw an improvement of around 19% which is not that amazing. Here is the screenshot:

page speed serice result - digital world

Curious to find out more i tested a site i follow, netchunks and i was surprised to see the result. It predicted a gain of about 50% in loading time which is truly awesome. Have a look at the screenshot below:

loading time improvement for netchunks

Will It Be Free?

Sadly no it won't be free. If you were expecting it to be free like other google services then you will be disappointed. And i can totally understand why it won't be free. After all they are optimizing and hosting your site on their own servers which will cost something to google. But the actual price is still not out. Lets wait and see..

If you are interested in beta testing of this service for free then you can register here and hope that they approve your request:

Google Page Speed Service sign up page.

So what you think about this service? Will you spend some of your hard earned monry to improve the user experience. Personally i won't go for it if the price is too high and/or if there isn't any significant improvement in the page load time. What do you think?????

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